Tromsø says ‘Nei’ to US sub base, govn pushes ahead

From END Info 20

Local politicians in Tromsø, Northern Norway, have expressed their opposition to plans to re-open a mothballed base in the area to house US submarines. The base was decommissioned by the Norwegian navy in 2009, but now the US Navy wishes to make a deal to allow use of the Olavsvern base.

US subs have already visited the base, including the USS Seawolf fast attack vessel in August this year. It is thought the both US and NATO subs will sail from the base in the near future.

The position of the Olavsvern base in the Arctic region is strategically important to the US and NATO, which is fixated on ‘responding to’ perceived Russian threats in the region. The opening of a permanent NATO base in the area is likely to do little more than increase already heightened tensions.

In response to opposition from the local council, the Norwegian government responded along the lines that “Tromsø cannot independently leave NATO”! Why not, we ask in return?

The story of the Olavsvern base illustrates the degree to which international relations have deteriorated and the degree to which the western military alliance is once again adopting a ‘Cold War’ mentality.

After the end of the ‘Cold War’, the Norwegian military lost interest in the base. It served no purpose and cost a great deal of money to keep operational. Following logic, they sold it. Strangely enough, the Norwegian version of ebay was used and one lucky buyer picked it up for $5 million. The base later changed hands and the current owners envisaged using it for logistics and repair support for Norway’s enormous oil industry. It looks like these plans are now on hold.

Will the US and NATO allies be stationing nuclear-armed submarines at the base? How often will the base be used? What risks are posed to nearby residents? What risks are posed more widely? Does the US envisage engaging Russian submarines and other naval vessels or is the base just a ‘show of force’ (a dangerous one)?

Tromsø was right to say ‘Nei’ to the plans and we join their call of opposition.