Re-start New START

The New START treaty, which commits the US and Russia to halving the numbers of strategic missile launchers, is at risk of expiring unless President-elect Joe Biden takes swift action on entering office. This treaty is one of the few remaining following Trump’s ‘Bonfire of the Treaties’ over the four years of his Presidency. The world cannot afford to lose another treaty.

Talks between the US and Russia appear to have stalled, but recent comments from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs give hope: 

“Russia has repeatedly expressed its support for the unreserved extension of the New START Treaty in the form in which it was signed. It officially made a proposal to the other party to the treaty, the United States, in December 2019 and has reaffirmed it more than once since then. It is abundantly clear that the treaty’s extension would presuppose the preservation of all restrictions stated in New START, both strategic delivery vehicles and nuclear charges.

It is equally important that the treaty’s extension would buy time for comprehensive Russian-US talks on future nuclear missile arms control with due consideration for all factors that have an impact on strategic stability. Russia has presented specific ideas on this score. Now the ball is in Washington’s court.”

When President Putin picks up the phone to President-elect Biden, as he is bound to do before inauguration day, then item number one should be a commitment to speedily agree the extension of New START for a further five years and to accept Russia’s offer of “comprehensive ... talks on future nuclear missile arms control”. Such a move could open a new era of discussion and agreement.